sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011


LAURA ACEROARTS: MANDALAS: Are reflections of a new vision allowing one to see the world differently, creating portals or mandalas of communication with the source o...


 Are reflections of a new vision allowing one to see the world differently, creating portals or mandalas of communication with the source of light, which goes beyond what is perceived incorrectly.


Transforms the being in contacto with your inner light, thereby recognizing its absolute power.

Del Ser humano se transforma al entrar en contacto con su luz interior, reconociendo asi su poder absoluto.


El colapso del universo para ver la luz y ser luz que somos. Mira hacia adentro, es una invitacion a la comunicacion con la fuente de la Vida, El Ser, El Tao; aceptando la responsabilidad para transformar  el caos que hemos creamos, en posibilidades  de incluirlo e iluminarlo.

The Collapse of the universe to see the light and be  and be light we are. Look Inside, is an invitation to communication with the source of life, the being, the Tao, accepting the responsibility to transform the chaos that we believe in and illuminate possibilities indlude.


There, in that part of your mind where thoughts can only be real light, unlimited power, peace, love, which allow us to be One, claiming our right to happiness.



the Mother Earth, as an expression of cocreation, color, life, light and energy, that flows through everything and everyone.


"Life is dynamic, movement, transformation, do not expect something always remains the same."
"La vida es dinamica,  movimiento, transformacion, no pretenda que algo se quede siempre igual."